Hiking around Asheville

Living in Asheville, NC means never being too far away from nature. And for the past couple of weeks I have taken to hiking to nearby falls with a couple of my coworkers and friends. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors although I’m not quite what you’d call a mountain man (this fact will be made utterly visible if you ever go fishing with me since I will resort to either having someone else bait my hook or using gloves/bag/anything at hand to do it). However, just getting out there, walking a few miles and taking some photos is probably one of my favorite things to do.

Hasta la próxima!

Portraits in the Park

Like most photographers I spend a lot of time online browsing through other people’s photos. Sometimes I do it for inspiration, sometimes just to pass the time. However, this week I started to feel like I have been doing a little too much of everything: working, viewing stuff online, passing the time. Just not enough time dedicated to photography, to making photos and enjoying it.

So, I picked up my gear and went to the mountain, metaphorically speaking. My mountain, the one that won’t come to me. You know what I mean.

For a long time I have wanted to do simple portraits on a black background. I had all the technical stuff down to a T. I just had to get out there, get people to sit for me and shoot away. With the help of my father (Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big hand for Bill Weaver!) I set up a small “studio” in a park in Downtown Asheville. A simple black backdrop. Two lights. A camera.

So, that was my setup. Lots of incredible people. ‘Nuff said. Photos :)
Hasta la próxima!

Concerts: The Apache Relay w/ The Weeks

It could seem to be a simple endeavor. You get up, grab your equipment, head on out to the venue and just get into it: your job, passion, hobby. It isn’t. Not for musicians, photographers or any kind of artist. Because to go to that venue and do what you love it usually entails many hours of learning, practice, sacrifice.

So, this past Wednesday, when I went to the Grey Eagle with the intent of shooting this concert, I knew that the bands that were gonna be there and I, had two things in common: the results of the night were gonna be based on the effort we put into it; and that no matter what, we were going to enjoy it.
I could say many things more about the experience as a whole, but for now I am going to let the pictures take over and tell their own story.

The shots seen here are some of my personal favorites, but if you want to see the entire results head over to the Flickr album

The Apache Relay and The Weeks are currently on a tour, so be sure to check out the venues they’ll be playing at, and join the fun!

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