Portraits in the Park

Like most photographers I spend a lot of time online browsing through other people’s photos. Sometimes I do it for inspiration, sometimes just to pass the time. However, this week I started to feel like I have been doing a little too much of everything: working, viewing stuff online, passing the time. Just not enough time dedicated to photography, to making photos and enjoying it.

So, I picked up my gear and went to the mountain, metaphorically speaking. My mountain, the one that won’t come to me. You know what I mean.

For a long time I have wanted to do simple portraits on a black background. I had all the technical stuff down to a T. I just had to get out there, get people to sit for me and shoot away. With the help of my father (Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big hand for Bill Weaver!) I set up a small “studio” in a park in Downtown Asheville. A simple black backdrop. Two lights. A camera.

So, that was my setup. Lots of incredible people. ‘Nuff said. Photos :)
Hasta la próxima!

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